I always laugh when someone asks me what I do for work. It’s such a loose term ‘work’. Generally, they mean paid work. However for me ‘paid or not’ work is something you don’t want to do! and I like to do what I like to do, regardless of when, where, and for how much. I then assume the question is more ‘what do you choose to do with your time’? So for me, the lines are pretty blurry. It was always a challenge to answer. I felt like where do I start. I think I’m getting clearer these days.
I could say I am in Renovation. Literally, one of my businesses takes old homes and breathes new life into them so that someone can fall in love with them again. And I also coach people to fall in love with themselves again.
It always starts with excavation & demolition. Sometimes a sledgehammer is in order and I can really weld one of those. Other times I am more the archaeologist with the brush. Or on occasion, it’s so close to falling down I just have to push. The common thread is that it requires digging & dismantling what is not working. You know I am not talking about houses now, don’t you?
So maybe what I choose to do with my time is to get results. Or what I do for work is get results. Actually, that can’t be it. That’s what everyone does at work and everywhere. Not necessarily the results they want but everyone is getting results every second of every day. The results we don’t want tend to come with reasons (aka excuses).
In that case; I choose to spend my time working on getting the results I want for myself and those I work with. There!
So I guess that is why I am into renovation because once you remove what isn’t working it leaves room to notice what is. I empower people to realise they are so much more than what they perceive themselves to be. Just like an ugly, old home. There is so much more. Once you get rid of what you don’t want you can create what you do want.
and ‘viola’ you Love it again… you again… whichever way there is more loveliness xxx