Following dysgraphia or dyslexia diagnoses; Supporting the brain

Perth Dysgraphia and dyslexia diagnosis

Has your child been diagnosised with dysgraphia or dyslexia?

I know how worrying this must be for you. It is for many parents and carers; you aren’t alone. Even better, help is available.

In this article, we’ll clarify a few misconceptions about dysgraphia and dyslexia, give you some signs to look out for, explain why children have dysgraphia or dyslexia symptoms, and what we can do to support your child’s developing brain.

Dysgraphia and dyslexia are known as specific learning difficulties (SpLD).

Specific learning difficulties or diagnoses can sometimes stem from problems with central nervous system (CNS) function resulting from retained neonatal reflexes.

Are dysgraphia and dyslexia interchangeable?

No. Dysgraphia and dyslexia are not the same. Dysgraphia is difficulty writing; dyslexia is difficulty reading. They do not necessarily occur together: your child can have one, or the other, or both.

What are the signs my child has dysgraphia or dyslexia?

Signs your child may have dysgraphia include:

  • They have messy handwriting
  • They are unable to put their thoughts down on paper
  • Tight, awkward pencil grip and body position when writing
  • Attention and focus issues at school
  • Difficulty telling shapes apart, or spacing letters
  • Trouble organizing words from left to right
  • Inability to stay within the margins of a page
  • Inability to use scissors, or hold a pencil correctly
  • Difficulty with fine motor tasks, such as tying shoelaces, doing up buttons, and picking things up
  • Unable to follow directions or rules in games
  • They often spell words incorrectly, and mix up upper (capital) and lower (small) case letters
  • They avoid writing
  • They don’t write in complete sentences
  • They have trouble telling stories
  • They leave out important facts and details of a story.


Signs your child may have dyslexia include:

  • Difficulty learning and using spoken and written language
  • Difficulty breaking down, combining, or manipulating word sounds
  • Difficulty converting letters to sounds
  • Slow, inaccurate reading
  • Difficulty recognizing age-appropriate sight words
  • Difficulty learning to spell correctly
  • Difficulty learning and remembering words with more than one syllable
  • Limited reading comprehension
  • Their spoken language skills are stronger than their written skills
  • Difficulty quickly naming color, object, and letter sequences
  • They need to see or hear concepts many times before learning them
  • Distracted by sights or sounds
  • A drop in school performance
  • Inconsistent school work
  • Their teachers may say, ‘If only they’d try harder with their reading’.


What causes dysgraphia and dyslexia symptoms?

Dysgraphia and dyslexia symptoms (along with all other learning difficulties) are not connected to low intelligence at all.

We are all born with a set of reflexes that protect our bodies (via involuntary movement), build muscle tone, and create brain connections. These are referred to using various names, including neonatal reflexes, foetal reflexes, primary reflexes, newborn reflexes, developmental reflexes, atavistic reflexes, and most commonly (though not necessarily the best term), primitive reflexes.

Children’s bodies normally integrate these reflexes as they develop, and their brains become more advanced. But in some cases, their bodies retain these reflexes for longer than is needed. This can prevent children’s brains and CNS from maturing in the ideal timeframe, which affects higher brain function and voluntary movement patterns.

When this happens, there can be a ‘battle’ going on between their neonatal reflexes and the voluntary movement and higher level thinking they need to learn, including reading and writing skills. Consequently, dysgraphia and dyslexia symptoms can result.

So what may seem like an inability or unwillingness to learn may actually be beyond your child’s control.

Will my child grow out of their dysgraphia or dyslexia?

Not on their own, no.

Dysgraphia or dyslexia symptoms often stem from retained neonatal reflexes. These neonatal reflexes are generally inhibited or ‘put to sleep’ between 4-6 months of age. Once this sensitive period has passed, the integration no longer happens through maturation. Children will no longer ‘grow out of’ these reflexes. Many adults with the same kind of symptoms would have retained neonatal reflexes. The window of opportunity has essentially closed. However, Retrain the brain offers therapies that go back and give the brain a second chance at integrating these reflexes.

Children whose dysgraphia or dyslexia symptoms are not addressed may experience frustration, delayed learning and development, and self-esteem challenges. They will certainly notice they are different to their classmates.

What do I do now?

I can help you and your child by performing a non-invasive assessment (an assessment of your child’s physical abilities), which allows me to then treat the symptoms of dysgraphia & or dyslexia.

This assessment and treatment can also help with any other learning difficulties your child may be experiencing. The assessment detects any retained reflexes, and identifies signs of immaturity in many areas: from the general coordination and balance your child needs for posture and sitting still, to the eye movements and coordination they need to read, write, copy, or catch a ball.

Is there anything that can be done to help my child with dysgraphia and dyslexia?

Yes. The good news is that a lot of dysgraphia and dyslexia symptoms can be resolved.


Our brains have the ability to change in response to our experiences. With retraining, anyone’s brain can change, including your child’s.

I use two methods to support you or your child to integrate their retained neonatal reflexes. Both are totally drug-free and non-invasive therapies. ‘Brain Therapy for Neonatal Reflexes and General Reflexes in Adults and Children’ was developed by Bruno Chikly of the Chikly Health Institute.

The second method (called the INPP method because it was created by the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology) is movement-based therapy.

Both methods focus on why your child’s dysgraphia or dyslexia exist. Unlike some other therapies, they treat the underlying cause of the symptoms (CNS immaturity), and not just the symptoms themselves.

Once I’ve completed an assessment, I can evaluate and quickly treat your child’s reflexes and ultimately the cause of the learning difficulties.

Once the underlying cause is pinpointed and treated, many of your child’s symptoms will disappear.

How do I know this therapy will work?

Retrain the Brain offers research-based programs proven to support your child’s brain development, learning, and health. The INPP was established in 1975. Since then they’ve developed trusted ways to pinpoint and assess signs of CNS immaturity in children.

Parts of the INPP method have also been independently researched via more than 20 studies published in peer-reviewed journals.

I’ve been trained in both the INPP method and in Brain Therapy for Neonatal Reflexes and General Reflexes in Adults and Children. I’ve seen first hand that they work. I’d love to help make a difference to you and your child.

Your child’s dysgraphia or dyslexia symptoms are common and more importantly, there is help available. For an initial interest pack to see if an assessment would be helpful, please contact me.

INPP Research

Dyslexia Perth

Scientific research has shown that a child’s brain develops fastest in the earliest years of life. We now know the crucial importance of the correct stimulation during this period to improve a child’s development intellectually, physically, and emotionally and to help lay down solid foundations that will allow children to maximize their future learning abilities. We also now know that a lack of these developmental opportunities can result in motor delay and learning difficulties.

There is a direct relationship between activities and the stimulation children receive when they are babies and young children and their ability to do well at school. Extensive research has shown that the better a young child’s neurophysiological development, the better will be their ability to read and learn. Neurophysiological development occurs when the brain creates the connections as it learns about the body, the world around it and learns to move in response.

Retrain the Brain can offer you research-based programs proven to support brain development, learning & health. The first five years of a child’s life are the most important for brain development, learning, and mental health. However, once children are at school and difficulties are apparent all is not lost! With Retrain the brain you can go back. Through Primitive Reflex integration and JIAS sound Therapy and family coaching programs, you can retrain your brain and give you or your children a second chance to make learning and life easier.

Improving Educational Attainment Through Movement Programs

Further evidence that intervention in the form of movement programs aimed at the level of primitive reflexes improves education. Researchers include:

2006 Hunter Pauline MA, University of Middlesex
This effectiveness of a developmental exercise program, designed to be used with children with special needs.

2005 Goddard Blythe SA*
Releasing educational potential through movement. Child Care in Practice, Volume 11/4: 415 – 432.

2003 Preedy P, O’Donovon C, Scott J, Wolinski R*
Exercises for learning – a Beacon Project between Knowle CE Primary School and Kingsley Preparatory School.

2003 Jändling M*
A follow-up study of a group of children, two years after they had completed the INPP Developmental Exercise Program for Schools. Results demonstrated that the children had maintained the gains they had made two years earlier.

2002 Bertram S*
A report prepared for The Birmingham Core Skills Partnership studying learning enhancement through reflex inhibition.

2001 Pettman H*
This study demonstrated the effects of developmental exercise movements on children with persistent primary reflexes and reading difficulties using a controlled trial.

2001 Bein-Wierzbinski W*
This paper studied children with specific learning difficulties, persistent primitive reflexes in elementary school children and the effect on oculo-motor and visual perception.

2000 Lancet, McPhillps, Hepper and Mulhern*
A double blind controlled study examining the effects of replicating primary reflex movements on specific reading difficulties in children.

1997 University of Indianapolis*
O’Dell and Cooke found Bender’s exercises based on movements involving creeping (crawling) against resistance were of value in overcoming hyperactivity. Stopping Hyperactivity – A New Solution (Avery Pubs, NY).

1989 Faulkner P (Bucks School)*
A study investigating the effects of a reflex stimulation and inhibition program on reading.

Dala Clinic Report*
Gothenberg examined the impact of a reflex inhibition program on educational achievement in a group of 15 children diagnosed with specific learning difficulties.

NB: *Indicates use of INPP Program

Reflex Stimulation and Inhibition Programs

For many years, INPP has researched reflexes, education and efficacy of reflex stimulation and inhibition programs. Researchers include:

2005 Goddard Blythe SA*
Releasing educational potential through movement. Child Care in Practice, Volume 11/4: 415 – 432.

Research into the relationship between abnormal reflexes and reading problems, and the efficacy of The INPP Program for Schools is ongoing in several schools in Northumberland and Tyne and Wear.

2004 Taylor M, Houghton S, Chapman E
Primitive reflexes and Attention Deficit Disorder: developmental origins of classroom dysfunction. International Journal of Special Education (Vol. 19/1)

2003 Kesper G
This paper studies the effects of persisting infantile reflexes on motor behavior and central processing.

2001 Goddard Blythe SA
This study examined Neuro-Developmental factors in 54 children who had received an independent diagnosis of dyslexia. All participants displayed evidence of abnormal ATNR and TLR, together with other Neuro-Developmental factors.

1998 British Journal of Occupational Therapy
Goddard Blythe and Hyland researched the reliability of a screening questionnaire to identify children who might have a degree of underlying NDD. Screening for Neurological Dysfunction in the Specific Learning Difficulty Child (10/98).

1994 University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
Wilkinson replicated Rider’s study and found a link between abnormal primitive reflexes, learning difficulty and underachievement.

1976 University of Purdue
Bender examined the effect of one reflex – the STNR on education – and found it present in 75% of a group of learning disabled children. It was not present in a comparison group of children with no history of learning disabilities. She developed exercises designed to inhibit the STNR and many children improved. The Bender Purdue Reflex Test (Academic Therapy Publications, CA).

1971 University of Kansas
Rider (O.T.) assessed the prevalence of abnormal reflex responses by comparing normal second grade children to a group of learning disabled children. Children with normal reflexes scored consistently higher on achievement tests than those with abnormal reflexes.

1970 University of Kansas
Gustaffson (O.T.) compared the reflex levels of a group of neurologically impaired children with a group of children with no known neurological impairment and found all the children with neurological impairment had abnormal reflexes.

NB: This list is only a sample of research in the field.
NB: *Indicates use of INPP Program

Neuromotor Immaturity as a Factor in Under-achievement

Screening for Neurological Dysfunction in the Specific Learning Difficulty Child
Authors: Blythe, Sally Goddard; Hyland, David
Source: The British Journal of Occupational Therapy, Volume 61, Number 10, October 1998 , pp. 459-464(6)
Publisher: College of Occupational Therapists

A developmental questionnaire was given to the parents of 140 children. Seventy of the children had a history of specific learning difficulties which had not responded to normal remedial education. The remaining 70 had no history of specific learning difficulties. The research was undertaken to ascertain whether the developmental questionnaire could be used as a reliable instrument to detect the neuro-developmental delay underlying the specific learning difficulties and preventing remedial intervention from being effective.

The results revealed that the screening questionnaire did discriminate between the two populations. At a 98% confidence level, a child with a score of 7 or more belonged to the specific learning difficulty group and a child scoring 2 or less did not. A score of 7 or more is therefore necessary to identify a neuro-developmentally based specific learning difficulty. The two populations were also compared on individual questions to identify which early developmental factors were significant in predicting later learning difficulties when viewed as part of a developmental profile.

Neurological Dysfunction as a Significant Factor in Children with Dyslexia
Author: Blythe, Sally Goddard
Source: The Journal of Behavioral Optometry, Volume 12, Number 6, 2001, Page 145

It is an accepted medical fact* that the continued presence of primitive reflexes above the age of six months and the absence or under-development of postural reflexes beyond three and a half years of age are reliable indicators of neurological dysfunction, which can affect both motor and perceptual development. A series of standardised neurological tests for abnormal reflexes were carried out on a sample of 54 children who had previously received an independent diagnosis of Dyslexia, to see if neurological dysfunction was a significant factor underlying their Dyslexic symptoms. Additional tests were carried out to assess oculo-motor functioning, visual-perceptual performance and cerebellar involvement including dysdiadochokinesia to see if other areas related to motor development were also a significant factor in the sample.

Abnormal primitive and postural reflexes were found to be a universal underlying factor in this sample. A high percentage of the sample also demonstrated difficulties with oculo-motor functioning, visual-perceptual skills and dysdiadochokinesia, suggesting a positive relationship between abnormal reflex activity and immature postural, motor and visual functioning.

Neuromotor Immaturity and Intervention

Neuro-motor Maturity as an Indicator of Developmental Readiness for Education
Author: Blythe, Sally Goddard
Source: Ruch, Wzrok, Słuch – Podstawa Uczenia Się/Movement, Vision, Hearing – The Basis of Learning, Pages 121-136

Two independent projects were undertaken with 64 children in schools in Northumberland and Berkshire to investigate whether neuro-motor immaturity, defined by the continued presence of three primitive reflexes, was present in children in mainstream primary schools in the United Kingdom. Children were also assessed for performance in reading, writing, spelling, maths and drawing using SATS results or the Salford Sentence Reading Test.

In Northumberland, 52 children age 7 – 8 years were divided into two intervention groups: One group took part in a daily programme of developmental movements (The INPP Program); the other group participated in a less specific program of daily physical exercises (The Activate Program) for one academic year.

In Berkshire, 12 children who had been identified as under-performing in reading, spelling or handwriting were assessed using the Salford Sentence Reading Test. Six children participated in The INPP Program at school every day for one academic year. The results of both groups on the Salford Reading Test were compared at the end of the year.

The results indicated that neuro-motor immaturity was present in 88.5% of children age 7–8 years and 40 % of children age 4-6 years in the Northumberland sample. There was a correlation between higher scores on tests for retained primitive reflexes and lower performance on the Draw a Person test. Children in the INPP group in the Northumberland study showed a significantly greater decrease in scores for abnormal reflexes (an indication of increased maturity in neuro-motor skills) than children in the Activate group following intervention. There was no significant difference between the INPP and Activate groups on SATS scores for reading, writing, spelling and maths.

Six children who followed The INPP Program for one academic year in Berkshire showed significant improvements on the Salford Sentence Reading Test at the end of the year compared to six children who did not take part in The INPP Program.

Physical Foundations for Learning
Author: Blythe, Sally Goddard
Source: Too Much, Too Soon – Early Learning and the Erosion of Childhood, Pages 131-146

Learning is not all in the mind but is also a physical activity. 1 One of the first tasks a young child needs to master is physical control of his body in space, with movement experience acting as both the challenge and the teacher. Throughout life, movement acts as the primary medium through which information derived from the senses is integrated, and knowledge of the world is expressed. Even thought and perception are an internalized simulation of action.2 A child’s motor abilities are therefore essential tools for learning, and motor skills at different stages of development provide a reflection of maturity in the functioning of the central nervous system – the relationship between the brain and body- which provides the foun­dation for learning.

A child’s brain is not the same as an adult brain. Different regions of the cerebral cortex, the largest structure of the forebrain which contains the higher brain centres controlling intellectual, sensory and motor functions, mature at different rates. The first area to mature is the motor area, followed by the sensory area, with association areas being the last to mature, continuing growth into the twenties or thirties. 3 The higher problems of thinking, planning and problem solving performed by the frontal lobes take years to develop.4

At birth, connections to the superficial layer of the cortex are only tenuously formed. The neonate is equipped with a series of survival responses to various environmental stimuli which enable him to breathe, to ‘root’ or search for the breast if the side of his face is touched, to suckle and to grasp if something is placed in the palm of his hand, or pressure is applied to the soles of his feet. He also has a series of reflexes which evoke responses to change in position.

Neuro Motor Development and National Curriculum Attainment
Author: Peter Griffin, Open Doors Therapy
Source: A study of 114 ‘Key Stage 1’ children, at Bentley West School, Walsall, to see if certain physical
immaturities (Neuromotor Delay), might act as a barrier to attainment

‘Neuromotor Delay’ is described by Sally Goddard Blythe, in ‘Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning’, as the ‘retention of immature patterns of movement control’ (page 4). Her book outlines developmental screening tests for children and intervention programs. There is clear evidence, both from clinical practice and research, to show that ‘Neuromotor Immaturity’ is a barrier to some children’s learning, and that if this barrier is removed, through a specific exercise program, the children can better access what a school has to offer.
The screening for 4-7 year olds includes assessing:

  • aspects of neuromotor maturity;
  • the presence of primitive (baby) reflexes;
  • visual perception and visual motor integration.


Bentley West School have used the developmental screening tests to assess their KS1 children and are now targeting s children with the INPP exercise program. It is too early yet to come to a judgement about the efficacy of the program. However we can interrogate the data to see if there is any link between various aspects of ‘Neuromotor Immaturity‘ and the children’s attainment against National Expectation.

Research looks at ‘Neuromotor Delay’, primitive reflexes, balance, crawling and finger/thumb opposition.

Does your child need a learning difficulties assessment?

learning difficulties assessment

If you’re reading this, you may be concerned that your child has learning difficulties, and needs a learning difficulties assessment. If so, you’re certainly not alone. Many children and their parents or careers have the same experience.

Here we’ll discuss what learning difficulties actually are, the symptoms your child may be displaying, why children have them, and how a learning difficulties assessment can help. Click here for more info

What are learning difficulties?

Firstly, let’s define learning difficulties. Learning difficulties describes a set of challenges children can have when learning and/or applying listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, movement, or numerical skills. These challenges usually start to appear between the ages of 4 and 7, but they can also start earlier. Please know that learning difficulties are in no way connected to low intelligence.

We might shrug them off by thinking or saying that our children are ‘off with the fairies’, or ‘easily distracted’, however there may be a deeper issue.

What are the signs my child needs a learning difficulties assessment?

The signs (symptoms) of a learning difficulty aren’t the same in all children, and can vary significantly from one child to the next. They include:

Why can't my child learn maths Joondanna
  • Difficulty writing
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Speech articulation problems
  • Problems writing
  • Problems reading
  • Problems spelling
  • Problems with math
  • Difficulty telling time
  • Problems concentrating
  • Problems with attention span
  • Inability to sit still
  • Inability to stay silent
  • Educational underachievement
  • Problems processing auditory input
  • Difficulties learning to swim
  • Difficulties learning to ride a two-wheeled bike
  • Clumsiness
  • Coordination or hand-eye coordination difficulties
  • Difficulty learning to dress (doing up buttons, tying shoelaces, putting clothes on the right way around)
  • Difficulty using a knife and fork
  • Difficulty catching a ball
  • Immature pencil grip
  • Physical education difficulties
  • Your child doesn’t yet consistently favor one side of the body (left or right hand, foot, or ear)
  • Travel sickness
  • Was early (10 months) or late (16 months) to learn to walk
  • Was late to learn to talk
  • Poor impulse control

The Underlying challenges behind many learning disability diagnoses

Specific learning difficulties or learning disability diagnoses can sometimes stem from problems with central nervous system (CNS) function. These challenges can include:

What affects CNS function and therefore learning difficulties?

All children are born with an essential group of reflexes that protect their bodies (via involuntary movement), develop muscle tone, and create brain connections. These are called ‘neonatal reflexes and general reflexes’.

Children’s bodies usually integrate or ‘turn off’ these reflexes as they develop and as their brains become more sophisticated. But in some cases, their bodies ‘hang on’ to these reflexes for longer than they really need them. This can prevent children’s brains and CNS from maturing in the optimal timeframe, limiting higher brain function and voluntary movement patterns.

This creates a ‘battle’ between the old reflexes (involuntary movement your child was born with) and the voluntary movement and other skills they need to learn.

So what may seem like an inability or unwillingness to learn may actually be beyond your child’s control.

Does my child really need help with infant reflexes?

Yes. Here’s why: your child’s first five years are critical to their brain development, learning, and mental health. Children’s brains develop very quickly during that time, when the right kind of stimulation can make all the difference to your child’s development, and their ability to do well at school.

Even if your child is already at school and showing symptoms, it’s OK. With Retrain the Brain, you can start again and give your child a second chance, making their learning and life easier. It all starts with a learning difficulties assessment. Click here for more information.

Children whose learning difficulties aren’t addressed may experience delayed learning and physical development, and self-esteem challenges. They will certainly notice they are different from their classmates.

My child needs a learning difficulties assessment – what do I do now?

I can help you and your child by performing a detailed, non-invasive learning difficulties assessment (an assessment of your child’s physical abilities).

This assessment helps to detect any retained reflexes, and identifies signs of immaturity in many areas: from the general coordination and balance your child needs for posture and sitting still, to the eye movements and coordination they need to read, write, copy, or catch a ball.

Is there anything that can be done to help my child?

Absolutely, yes! The good news is that these challenges are far from permanent. They can be resolved.


Have you heard the term ‘neuroplasticity’? It’s more than a buzzword. It refers to the brain changing in response to our experiences. Yes, your brain can change! Anyone’s brain can change through retraining, including your child’s.

I offer two methods for reflex integration which help the maturation of you or your child’s CNS. They are drug-free, non-invasive programs. The first is Brain Therapy for Neonatal Reflexes and General Reflexes in Adults and Children.

The second method (called the INPP method because it was created by the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology) is movement-based therapy.

Both methods focus on why your child’s learning difficulties exist. Unlike some other therapies, they treat the underlying cause (CNS immaturity) and not just the symptoms I’ve listed above.

Following a complete assessment, I can evaluate and treat your child’s learning difficulty symptoms.

And guess what? Once the underlying cause is identified and treated, a lot of your child’s symptoms will disappear.

How do I know this therapy will work?

Retrain the Brain offers research-based programs proven to support your child’s brain development, learning, and health. The INPP has been around since 1975. Since that time, they have developed reliable methods of identifying and assessing signs of CNS immaturity in children and adults.

Parts of the INPP method have also been independently researched via over 20 studies published in peer-reviewed journals.

I’ve received training in the INPP method and in Brain Therapy for Neonatal Reflexes and General Reflexes in Adults and Children and I know they work; I’ve seen it happen. I’d love to help make a difference for you and your child’s learning and life.

Please know there’s help out there! You’re not alone. Your child’s learning difficulties are common and more importantly, there is a solution. For an initial interest pack to see if a learning difficulties assessment would be helpful, please contact me.