Retained Primitive Reflexes
What is are retained primitive reflexes?
From conception primitive reflexes develop to foster growth, movement and development. Reflexes protect the foetus in utero, aid in the birth process and assist with brain function and development through initiating movement.
Infants we are all born with a number of reflexes designed to function for a specific time period and then integrate or inhibit to allow for greater cognitive function.
The baby moves from involuntary to voluntary control. During this process sometimes reflexes do not integrate or inhibit and remain functional into childhood and adulthood. The odd retained neonatal reflex generally is compensated for without too many unwanted symptoms. They go unnoticed.
However, a cluster indicates immaturity in the central nervous system. The system has not matured past these infant reflexes and so higher functioning is affected.
A reflex profile that indicates a cluster of retained primitive reflexes has been shown to be present with symptoms of learning disabilities and difficulties. When these reflexes remain beyond their intended timeline they can get in the way of learning, brain development and function.
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What is reflex inhibition and what causes reflex integration.
Reflex inhibition or integration is when a reflex follows its intended purpose and then becomes dormant, no longer needed or the next postural reflex (lifelong) reflex takes over. A reflex integrates or inhibits when it has served its purpose and is able to run its course.
What is the INPP method?
The INPP method uses medical standardised tests to identify and assess neuromotor immaturity or retained primitive reflexes and out of balance systems. It offers Adults and children drug-free non-invasive therapy for the symptoms of retained reflexes to improve learning outcomes, emotional functioning and behaviour.
Aspects of the INPP method have been the subject of research, which has been published in peer reviewed journals.

What is Brain Therapy for neonatal reflexes?
Brain Therapy (BT) for retained and reoccurring neonatal reflexes Is revolutionary in it’s ability to foster integration of retained primitive reflexes.
Through non-invasive gentle manual therapy techniques developed out of osteopathic medicine by Medical Doctor Bruno Chickly MD DO this remarkable therapy has the potential to integrate reflexes in minutes.
The video on the left demonstrates Brain Therapy for the spinal galant neonatal reflex.