Learning disabilities

Learning Disabilities

What are some learning difficulties?

From about the age of 4-7 or even earlier some developmental hiccups and difficulties may become apparent. Sometimes we shrug it off as being “clumsy” or “off with the fairies”, we use cliche’s like “ants in the pants” or explain it away as just “busy” or active kids. As a parent observing my own children I certainly experienced this myself. Often it is once our children start school or move to higher grades that these difficulties increase rather than decrease. “They’ll grow out of it” does not ring true. It either persists or just shows up differently.

Problems with the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS) indicate an underlying immaturity and can manifest the following symptoms. The thing is we often deem such symptoms as just being innate or part of a child’s personality. We reason that they don’t like it, they’re not interested or it’s just not they’re thing. We often assume that there is a lack of capacity and they have to manage or deal with it. Or we assume that it is a conscious choice and they need to take more care, apply more focus, grit, or determination.

Dyslexia Perth

What are the symptoms of learning difficulties?

  • Clumsiness, 
  • Reading & writing difficulties, 
  • Writing Problems, 
  • Concentration Problems, 
  • Educational Under-Achievement, 
  • Attention Problems, 
  • Auditory Processing Difficulties,
  •  Difficulty in Physical Education, 
  • Difficulty Learning to Swim, 
  • Difficulty Riding 2 wheel Bikes, 
  • Difficulty Telling the Time, 
  • Coordination Difficulties, 
  • Mixed Laterality, 
  • Poor Eye-Hand Coordination, 
  • Speech and Articulation Problems, 
  • Travel Sickness, 
  • Inability to Sit Still or Remain Silent, 
  • Maths Problems


Problems with the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS) also frequently underlie specific learning difficulties (SpLD) or learning disability diagnoses, including:

Dyslexia, Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder -DCD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), Agoraphobia, Asperger’s Syndrome, Anxiety and Panic Disorder, Dysgraphia – Writing Problems

What can be done to help learning difficulties?

The exciting truth is that we can retrain the brain.

More precisely detailed by Norman Doidge in his bestseller The brain that changes itself neuroscience is proving that brain plasticity allows for change not only in childhood but throughout our lives. Even when the central nervous system has not matured in the optimal time frame we can always go back and via experience change and adapt.

Brain Therapy for Neonatal Reflexes & General Reflexes in Adults and Children and The INPP method do just that; allowing learning to happen more easily.

Often an immature central nervous system is at the base of learning & movement difficulties. The INPP method focus’s on why these hiccups and difficulties are there and treats the cause (immaturity in the CNS) rather than just the symptoms. Following a complete assessment for you or your child, I can evaluate and treat such symptoms and diagnoses.

When the underlying cause is identified and addressed a lot of symptoms will disappear.

Retrain The Brain

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