How taking responsibility gives you back your power

Growing up my Dad ate raw onion like an apple. I am sure that’s why I can’t stand raw onion and my brother is allergic! It is safe to say I am not a fan. Now a cooked onion, that’s a different story. The smell of onion sizzling in a pan and on a burger, now that’s delicious!

A simple change can shift one’s perception and make all the difference.

I have worked on change in my own life over the last decade and recently a simple change in perception has made all the difference for me.

There was a day almost 10 years ago, a Tuesday that I remember so clearly. I drew a line in the sand that day and made the decision that I could not keep going as I was. My life wasn’t bringing me joy, I was lost and I didn’t know how to fix it. Everything I did up to that point hadn’t worked, I had to do something different. I figured help and new information was out there. So I started looking.

I became aware that I was responsible for the challenges in my life

Once I acknowledged I had got myself to that point, I realized I was the only one that could get me out. I took back my personal power by accepting responsibility for it all. (Which is very different to self blame and I went there for a while too, but that’s for another tale). I started to see that my choices matter.

And so the opening of the onion began. As each new realization came I learned and grew. I had moments of ‘this must be it!’ Now I must be done. I had come so far, but it was like a never ending pass the parcel. Just as another layer came off there was a blasted new one to discover and unwrap. A few times it went from plain brown paper to colored wrap and I was convinced I was at the precipice. And yet on I went. I was so over that bloody onion. I believed that I had to get to the end, to that last layer to be happy. The end was my goal. Well that just served to push the mirage further out of reach.

Relish the onion

Until one of those layers showed me the joy in the unwrapping and the purpose it gave. Why do we love unwrapping gifts? It’s the unknowntaking responsibility and its potential. I suddenly realised that there is excitement and joy that comes with learning and sharing and growing. That’s the endgame. There is always more. And thank goodness! Imagine if we knew it all and had it all and we were done. In my opinion when you’re done, you’re dead.

I now relish the onion as each layer is a gift. I am excited to understand myself and the world more and more each day. The ups are joyous and the downs are exciting for the potential they hold. Because it’s an opportunity for greater love, and joy through our own evolution.

You can make the change right now

The nice part too is that it doesn’t need to take a decade, you can enjoy the journey and everything life has to offer now! You can have it now!

Photo by Burhan Rexhepi on Unsplash