How far can you reach today?

So the blogs going well, I think (insert laugh emoji). Seriously though, I’m really enjoying it. The process of taking the ideas, thoughts and feelings out of my head and putting them onto paper (so to speak) is so powerful. Talking this stuff through teaches me more than just having it rattle around in my own head.

What’s even more rewarding is when someone lets me know how it’s helped them.

I bumped into a friend a few weeks back and she had just read my blog post “The shoes!!!”  that morning. She stopped me to say thank you, because it had changed her perspective for the whole morning. She said it ‘made her day’; she was feeling relaxed, enjoying her children, feeling positive and inspired. It had shifted her thoughts, and so shifted her feelings and in turn her actions.

Consequently her appreciation and praise (her positive thoughts and feelings) ‘made my day’! I felt empowered. It was confirmation for me that my efforts, my learning and sharing is doing good things. My intentions are materialising.

I see it as a pebble dropped in a pond, the ripples are far reaching and you really don’t know how far they go. How many other people did she touch that day with her good mood. Who in turn touched others and created a chain of good thoughts that created good things? What difference had she made for her children?

So it’s an interesting phrase ‘made my day’, we usually refer to it in terms of something external. In the sense that ‘it’- the blog, made my day or ‘she’- my friend made my day. But what is it that is actually ‘making’ the change to our day. It’s our feelings, something external is changing our thoughts about something which starts the cycle of thoughts/feelings/actions. So most of the time we omit the first step – which is the decision. We spend our day floating around either being caught up in negatively or positivity depending on what our external environment brings. We are not deciding for ourselves but reacting to our environment.

So why is it that something can ‘make’ your day? Well, we are actually making our own days, hours, & moments always. By the thoughts we carry and put our energy into. We have just forgotten the first step. That step that empowers us! We have the choice!!!! We don’t need to wait for something external to us to ‘make our day’ for us, we can create it ourselves.

We are having an affect on everything around us, all the time. I also process it as ‘ the going viral’ phenomenon but on a silent platform. Everything we do is far reaching. We are just unaware. We are spreading our energy in every moment, so what are we giving our energy to is the great question? Negativity, complaining? the things we don’t like and don’t want? OR are we spreading joy and positivity, talking and thinking about what we do want.

It starts with a choice, then our thoughts, then our feelings and our actions all follow. So you really only need to make the choice. In every moment each day, be aware of your choice. What are you investing your energy into? What is going viral because of your choice?

Let’s make someone’s day today! I’m hoping it’s your own, and that those ripples are infinite.

Much love Skye x

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PHOTO: Many thanks Aaron Lee (Downloaded From Upslash)