I’ve been listening to a few youtube posts about the mind body connection lately and they talk a lot about how our mind can create disease OR dis-ease.
Looking back now I personally had times of depression that were riddled with negative self talk and resistance. A lot of internal dis-ease. For me when I boil it down it’s been the internal fight between what is, or what I am at a point in time, as opposed to the standard I hold myself to.
The idea of acceptance is interesting to me. I understood it on a cognitive level, however I couldn’t implement or feel it. I was often at war with what was, certainly not very accepting. Which of course promoted the internal fight. I think for me it stemmed from an ill formed perfectionism. I would set myself to a standard and never feel good enough unless I was hitting those targets.
The internal language we use programs how we see the world. If you are always thinking ‘this shouldn’t be happening’, it’s resistance to life. If you have resistance what do you need to move forward? Force and fight. I had learned to fight so hard for what I wanted, to work myself to my absolute limits. To push down the exhaustion, sadness, hurt, and to forge forward. I resisted and it created burn out.
We are taught to soldier on, just a few more days of school or work then you can have a break. Just get this done and then you can stop. Yet something always comes up, something fills the void and you just force your way through life. Where there is resistance there has to be force.
What about if we just accept and allow? Acceptance of what you are feeling, and where you are at. I’m tired. I’m sad, I’m overweight, I’m lost, I’m scared, I’m unsure, I don’t know. There is a school of thought out there that says keep pushing, keep going, hustle. But what happens when you keep pushing, keep going keep hustling keep forcing and forging, you get resistance. What happens when you let go, and stop forcing, the resistance goes away. If we can accept and be present and LEARN from what is happening in our hearts. It can pass. We stop creating dis-ease and we can start to heal.
In the words of Elsa “Let it go, let it go…. However I like to add -let it come and then let it go. Be present with it all.
Need some help with that? Give me a shout out x