Coaching for kids and teenagers

Coaching for kids and teenagers

Do you have concerns for your child?

You are about to say good morning and the first thing out of your child’s mouth is they don’t want to go to school. 

You’re heart sinks, not again you think. You know that you can get angry, frustrated, you can reason, encourage, distract, and bribe but when you really face it nothing is making a difference. Do you wonder what is going wrong? This is becoming a serious problem…

You walk past your child’s room there is stuff everywhere, jobs not done and there they are on their device. Get off that thing! You hear your voice bellow. 

The justifications start, or a rude response, or they just plain ignore you. With more demands to get off the device the situation escalates to a full-blown screaming match. They’re angry, no you’re furious and the relationship is being undermined at every turn. 

A part of you thinks it’s just a phase and the rest is petrified because if you’re really honest it’s getting worse. You feel helpless.

Yet, you resolve to do things differently but each day the same arguments, the same irritations keep surfacing, guilt rises and confidence falls. So what can you do to change the pattern?


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How can coaching help your child?

Coaching is a safe space for your child. Your child will never feel judged and will only feel supported. 

Coaching gives your child the opportunity to process and let go of emotions that they seem to get stuck in. It allows your child to understand their emotions and how to allow their emotions without reacting from them. This helps your child to be more emotionally intelligent and grounded. 

Coaching for kids and coaching for teenagers is always about uncovering your child’s resilience and confidence in themselves and their own abilities. 


When should your child see a coach

When your child is having problems we sometimes just shrug it off hoping “they’ll grow out of it”.

If your child is not able to let go of their emotions. If prolonged feelings drag on into moods and temperaments. It may be time to seek retrain the brain’s coaching for kids or coaching for teenagers.

If you’ve found yourself in a situation where nothing you say is helping your child and no matter what you try there is no change in your outcomes, coaching for kids and teenagers can support you.

Nobody wants arguing and disagreements escalating affecting their relationships. Don’t consider these behaviours as normal. If you feel there is more and more distance in your relationship, it’s time to try and move through the problems and create what you want!

Parenting coaching Leederville

How can NLP for kids help your child?

Through the practice of NLP coaching you will see your child thrive, show resilience and confidence. 

We create persistence and perseverance, confidence and self-worth, strength and resilience. 

Your child will gain responsibility, patience, growth, and assurance. NLP for kids coaching creates kindness, understanding, love, and joy for life.



What coaching for kids can help with

Below are just a few problems that coaching for kids and coaching for teenagers can help with:

  • If your child is not taking responsibility; They give up and never follow through.
  • They have a bad attitude; rude and insolent behaviour; defiant behaviour.
  • They can’t regulate their emotions, e.g. tantrums, extreme responses, anger problems all the way to aggressive or violent behaviour.
  • They are lacking confidence or self-worth and esteem; are becoming withdrawn.
  • There are indicators of depression or anxiety. Thoughts of self-harm and suicide.
  • They are bullying or being bullied; experiencing peer pressure or competition.
  • Screen addiction
coaching for teenagers

Book your personalised solution discovery call here

Here is 10 year old Harry’s story in his own words;

Before my mum and I took Skye’s classes I had problems too difficult to solve. I tried to erase them, forget them, but nearly every night, I remembered them. When Skye offered to help me, I said yes. She taught me how to deal with emotions, solve mental issues, and how to set goals and do them. If I hadn’t taken Skye’s offer, I don’t know if I’d be able to sleep. Now I sleep really well. Thanks, Skye

Book in a totally complimentary obligation-free coaching call and let me provide a specific and personalised solution for you and your child.

If you want to work together, that’s awesome and If not, you get the solution absolutely free

My story

My name is Skye. I am a master NLP practitioner and family coach. I am based in Perth, Australia but work with clients world-wide. 

When my husband and I had our third child it really put the pressure on. If you know anything about rocks, stress equals cracks. This is when I first noticed that my then 7 year old and I had some work to do. I knew that left as it was, her teenage years were not going to be pleasant, and I really feared for what was ahead for her and I.

This is probably when my search started in earnest for a better way. I decided that how we had got to where we were didn’t matter it just needed to change. I started reading every child psychology book I could find, I sought professional help and my daughter and I did sessions.

It didn’t work. No matter how well I knew what I wanted and how hard I tried to be that parent and to try to change her behaviour and attitude it continued to be a problem. I could talk rationally until the cows came home but when the triggers came and the emotions flared it was always for naught. The same results, the same outcomes, the same groundhog day life ensued.I was desperate and demoralised.

Then I found NLP coaching and in weeks everything started to turn around. I was finally able to move through the old anger, sadness, fear, hurt, and guilt. I really was able to see things differently. The things that really pushed my buttons became less of an issue so I could choose the responses I wanted instead of flying into autopilot parenting and regretting it later. And she started to open up and thrive, our relationship improved, we laughed again, we talked again. Sure challenges and disagreements arise daily yet now it is productive.

Fast forward almost 7 years and I can happily say that we came out on the other side. It took just weeks when I had the right tools. Instead of the teenage years showing the cracks and putting wedges in our relationship I am finding we are now stronger than ever and continue our journey of love and connection every day.