1 KDD Newborn 0-4 months

kids do daily neuro developmental programs



I worm squirm everyday 

When placed on my tummy I kick my feet against the floor and move forward in a reflexive crawl. I am learning about my body and getting strong.



I always have bare feet (especially when I am on my tummy)

It’s better to put another layer on to keep them warm and have the feet bare.


I spend almost all my awake time on my tummy

I am NEVER propped to sit but am allowed to teach myself to sit when developmentally ready around 8 months.

kids do daily neuro developmental programs


I enjoy massage time everyday 

I love to be massaged when I am on my tummy and also on my back.


I do gentle roll overs everyday

I am rolled from front to back and back to front several times every day


I enjoy rocking from back to side everyday

I am gently rocked from my back to my side and back again on both sides a few times

kids do daily neuro developmental programs


I do push aways on my back everyday 

I love having gently pressure applied to the ball of my foot to stimulate my kicking reflex


I enjoy slow dancing every day

My balance and coordination system is stimulated as I rock, spin, dip, and bounce gently


I do upside downs every day

I am very slowly lowered so my head dips towards the ground, chest to chest with my carer, and am brought slowly up again

kids do daily neuro developmental programs


I can roll over a ball or roll everyday 

I love gently rocking on my tummy forward and back, side to side, and rotationally on an exercise ball.


I hear nursery rhymes and stories everyday



I practice holding my head up while on my tummy and resting on my elbows

As I get older and stronger I will progress to using my hands with my elbows straight.

kids do daily neuro developmental programs


I can roll over a ball or roll every day 

I love gently rocking on my tummy forward and back, side to side, and rotationally on an exercise ball.


I hear nursery rhymes and stories every day



I practice holding my head up while on my tummy and resting on my elbows

As I get older and stronger I will progress to using my hands with my elbows straight.

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Skye Bairstow NLP coach

Skye Bairstow

Your brain is amazing, and every word, thought and experience you have is creating your life day by day. If those days are not giving you the life you desire- then as our name implies just Retrain your brain!

Through cutting edge science, superconscious processes, neuro-linguistic processes, and research-based movement programs I facilitate retraining your brain to achieve your specific goals. I would absolutely love to see everyone gifted the knowledge and resources to get in touch with their awesomeness, for themselves and their families, and ultimately for the planet.

The reality is that not all of us have access to the resources we need to achieve our goals, AND we all have the possibility of connecting with them so lets Retrain the brain. We can go ahead and retrain our neural pathways in order to change our outcomes. And the best time for that, is right now!

Retrain The Brain is about supporting ourselves to be empowered, resourceful and loving people. Our mission is to support our community to consciously create each day and move towards what we want to see, not only in our own lives, and children’s lives but the world.